Using Pagerduty's Nagios integration without the extra load

PagerDuty is awesome.  We have a pretty complicated follow the sun rotation split into 3 time periods per day and 2 teams on opposite sides of the world.  It would be a real PITA to manage this without PagerDuty.  It’s super easy to integrate Nagios with PagerDuty.  If you haven’t done it already, you can find the instructions here.  The problem with PagerDuty’s Nagios integration is that their guide says it requires the enable_environment_macros variable to be enabled.  The problem is this is a HUGE performance killer for Nagios.

It turns out it’s super easy to use the Nagios integration without enable_environment_macros being enabled.  Simply change your notify-service-by-pagerduty and notify-host-by-pagerduty notification commands to the following:

define command {
       command_name     notify-service-by-pagerduty
       command_line     /usr/local/bin/ enqueue -f pd_nagios_object=service -f NOTIFICATIONTYPE="$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -f HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" -f SERVICEDESC="$SERVICEDESC$" -f SERVICESTATE="$SERVICESTATE$" -f CONTACTPAGER="$CONTACTPAGER$"

define command {
       command_name     notify-host-by-pagerduty
       command_line     /usr/local/bin/ enqueue -f pd_nagios_object=host -f NOTIFICATIONTYPE="$NOTIFICATIONTYPE$" -f HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" -f HOSTSTATE="$HOSTSTATE$" -f CONTACTPAGER="$CONTACTPAGER$"

Once you change you notification commands, set enable_environment_macros = 0 and restart Nagios.  Making this one change lowered my overall server load by at least 30%!


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